This document defines the SHACL Shapes Constraint Language, a language for validating RDF graphs against a set of conditions. These conditions are provided as shapes and other constructs expressed in the form of an RDF graph. RDF graphs that are used in this manner are called "shapes graphs" in SHACL and the RDF graphs that are validated against a shapes graph are called "data graphs". As SHACL shape graphs are used to validate that data graphs satisfy a set of conditions they can also be viewed as a description of the data graphs that do satisfy these conditions. Such descriptions may be used for a variety of purposes beside validation, including user interface building, code generation and data integration.

Document Outline

This document covers the the SHACL Core language.

SHACL Full, an extension of SHACL Core that includes SPARQL-based constraints and user defined constraint components is defined in link to document.

The examples in this document use Turtle [[!turtle]]. The reader should be familiar with basic RDF concepts [[!rdf11-concepts]] such as triples and, for the advanced concepts of SHACL, with SPARQL [[!sparql11-overview]].


TODO: needs more work.

This specification describes conformance criteria for:

TODO: link to test cases.

Document Conventions

Throughout this document, IRIs are written in Turtle syntax, using the following mapping of prefixes to namespaces:

Prefix Namespace

The remainder of this section is informative.

Note that the URI of the graph defining the SHACL vocabulary itself is equivalent to the namespace above, i.e. it includes the #. References to the SHACL vocabulary, e.g. via owl:imports should include the #.

The Turtle serialization of the SHACL vocabulary will be uploaded to web URL of the graph that it represents.

Throughout the document, color-coded boxes containing RDF graphs in Turtle will appear. These fragments of Turtle documents use the prefix bindings given above.

	# This box represents an input shapes graph

	# Triples that can be omitted are marked as grey e.g.
	<s> <p> <o> .
	# This box represents an input data graph.
	# When highlighting is used in the examples:

	# Elements highlighted in blue are target nodes
	ex:Bob a ex:Person .

	# Elements highlighted in red are nodes that fail validation
	ex:Alice a ex:Person .
	# This box represents an output results graph

SHACL Definitions appear in blue boxes:

	# This box contains textual definitions. 

Basic Terminology

Terminology that is linked to portions of RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax is used in SHACL as defined there. Terminology that is linked to portions of SPARQL 1.1 Query Language is used in SHACL as defined there. A single linkage is sufficient to provide a definition for all occurences of a particular term in this document.

Definitions are complete within this document, i.e., if there is no rule to make a some situation true in this document then the situation is false.

A property is an IRI.
An RDF term n has value v for property p in an RDF graph
G if there is an RDF triple in G with subject n, predicate p, and object v. An RDF term n has value v for SPARQL property path expression p in an RDF graph G if there is a solution mapping in the result of the SPARQL query SELECT ?s ?o WHERE { ?s p' ?o } on G that binds ?s to n and ?o to v, where p' is SPARQL surface syntax for p.
A SHACL list in an RDF graph G is an IRI or a blank node that is either rdf:nil (provided that rdf:nil has no value for either rdf:first or rdf:rest in G), or has exactly one value for rdf:first in G and exactly one value for rdf:rest in G that is also a SHACL list in G and there is no non-empty path in G from the list back to itself where the predicates of the RDF triples in the path are each rdf:rest. The members of any SHACL list except rdf:nil in an RDF graph G consist of its value for rdf:first in G followed by the members in G of its value for rdf:rest in G. The SHACL list rdf:nil has no members in any RDF graph.
SHACL Type and Expected Type
An RDF term n is a SHACL instance of an RDF term m in an RDF graph G if there is a path in G from n to m where the predicate of the first RDF triple in the path is rdf:type and the predicates of any other RDF triples in the path are rdfs:subClassOf. An RDF term n has an RDF term m as SHACL types in an RDF graph G if n is a SHACL instance of m in G. RDF terms have zero or more expected types in an RDF graph. Each expected type for an RDF term in an RDF graph G is the result of the RDF term being the object of an RDF triple in G with a particular predicate as described in this document.
Data Graph
A data graph is any RDF graph.

SHACL Property Paths

A blank node is an ill-formed property path in an RDF graph G if it has a value for more than one of rdf:first, sh:alternativePath, sh:inversePath, sh:zeroOrMorePath, sh:oneOrMorePath, or sh:zeroOrOnePath in G.

A blank node is an ill-formed property path in an RDF graph G if there is a path in G from the node back to itself where the sequence of predicates of the RDF triples in the path matches the regular expression ( ( rdf:rest* rdf:first ) | sh:alternativePath ( rdf:rest* rdf:first ) | sh:inversePath | sh:zeroOrMorePath | sh:oneOrMorePath | sh:zeroOrOnePath ) +.

An RDF term is an ill-formed property path in an RDF graph if it does not satisfy exactly one of the conditions in the mapping below.

If an RDF term is not an ill-formed property path in an RDF graph G then it is a SHACL property path in G.

The path mapping in an RDF graph G of a RDF term p that is a SHACL property path in G, path(p,S), is a *SPARQL property path expression* defined as follows:

  1. If p is an IRI then path(p,S) is PredicatePath(p).
  2. 2/ If p is a blank node that is a SHACL list in G that has at least two members in G and none of these members are ill-formed property paths in G then path(p,S) is SequencePath(path(v1,S) ... path(vn,S)) where vi are the members of p in G, in order.
  3. If p is a blank node that has exactly one value for sh:alternativePath in G and that value is a SHACL list in G that has at least two members in G and none of the members in G are ill-formed property paths in G then path(p,S) is AlternativePath(path(v1,S) ... path(vn,S)) where vi are the members of the list in G, in order.
    • If p is a blank node that has exactly one value v for sh:inversePath in G and v is not an ill-formed property path in G then path(p,S) is InversePath(path(v,S)).
    • If p is a blank node that has exactly one value v for sh:zeroOrMorePath in G and v is not an ill-formed property path in G then path(p,S) is ZeroOrMorePath(path(v,S)).
    • If p is a blank node that has exactly one value v for sh:oneOrMorePath in G and v is not an ill-formed property path in G then path(p,S) is OneOrMorePath(path(v,S)).
    • If p is a blank node that has exactly one value v for sh:zeroOrOnePath in G and v is not an ill-formed property path in G then path(p,S) is ZeroOrOnePath(path(v,S)).

SHACL property paths in same or different RDF graphs are equivalent if their path mappings in their graphs are the same.

The remainder of this section is informative.

The following example illustrates some valid SHACL property paths, together with their SPARQL 1.1 equivalents.

SPARQL Property path: ex:parent
SHACL Property path: ex:parent

SPARQL Property path: ^ex:parent
SHACL Property path: [ sh:inversePath ex:parent ]

SPARQL Property path: ex:parent/ex:firstName
SHACL Property path: ( ex:parent ex:firstName )

SPARQL Property path: rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf*
SHACL Property path: ( rdf:type [ sh:zeroOrMorePath rdfs:subClassOf ] )

SPARQL Property path: ex:father|ex:mother
SHACL Property path: [ sh:alternativePath ( ex:father ex:mother  ) ]

SHACL Validation and RDFS inferencing

SHACL uses the RDF and RDFS vocabularies, but full RDFS inferencing is not required. However, SHACL processors MUST identify SHACL instances of a class both in the data graph and the shapes graph without modifying either graph during the validation process. Furthermore, SHACL processors MAY operate on RDF graphs that include entailments - either pre-computed before being submitted to a SHACL processor or performed on the fly as part of SHACL processing. To support processing of entailments, SHACL includes the property sh:entailment to indicate what inferencing is required by a given shapes graph. SHACL implementations MAY, but are not required to, support entailment regimes.

SHACL Example (TODO)

The following example data graph contains three SHACL instances of the class ex:Person.

	a ex:Person ;
	ex:child ex:Calvin ;
	ex:ssn "987-65-432A" .

	a ex:Person ;
	ex:child ex:Calvin ;
	ex:ssn "123-45-6789" ;
	ex:ssn "124-35-6789" .

	a ex:Person ;
	ex:school ex:TrinityAnglicanSchool .

The following conditions are shown in the example:

The aforementioned conditions can be represented as constraints in the following shapes graph:

	a sh:Shape ;
	sh:targetClass ex:Person ;    # Applies to all persons
	sh:shape [
		sh:path ex:ssn ;     # This constraint is about the values of the ex:ssn property
		sh:maxCount 1 ;
		sh:datatype xsd:string ;
		sh:pattern "^\\d{3}-\\d{2}-\\d{4}$" ;
	] ;
	sh:shape [
		sh:path ex:child ;
		sh:class ex:Person ;
		sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ;
	] ;
	sh:shape [
		rdfs:comment "A person's parents are represented via ex:child used in the inverse direction." ;
		sh:path [ sh:inversePath ex:child ] ;
		sh:name "parent" ;
		sh:maxCount 2 ;
	] ;
	sh:closed true ;
	sh:ignoredProperties (    rdf:type ) .

We can use the shape declaration above to illustrate some of the key terminology used by SHACL. The focus nodes for the shape ex:PersonShape are all SHACL instances of the class ex:Person. These focus nodes are the targets of the shape and are specified using the property sh:targetClass. The shape has three shapes with the property sh:shape, one of which uses a path expression. The shape itself is also a constraint on the focus nodes using the parameters sh:closed and sh:ignoredProperties.

Some of the property constraints specify parameters from multiple constraint components in order to restrict multiple aspects of the property values. For example, in the shape for ex:ssn, parameters from three constraint components are used. The parameters of these constraint components are sh:datatype, sh:pattern and sh:maxCount. For each focus node< the property values of ex:ssn will be validated against all three components. The constraint on the inverse property values of sh:child uses only one constraint component identified by the sh:maxCount parameter. Note that this constraint uses the non-validating property sh:name to suggest a human-readable name for the property when used in the inverse direction.

SHACL validation based on the provided data graph and shapes graph would produce the following validation report. See the section Validation Report for details on the format.

[] a sh:ValidationReport ;
	sh:conforms "false"^^xsd:boolean ;
	[  	a sh:ValidationResult ;
		sh:resultSeverity sh:Violation ;
		sh:focusNode ex:Alice ;
		sh:resultPath ex:ssn ;
		sh:value "987-65-432A" ;
		sh:sourceConstraintComponent sh:RegexConstraintComponent ;
		sh:sourceShape ex:PersonShape ;
	] ,
	[	a sh:ValidationResult ;
		sh:resultSeverity sh:Violation ;
		sh:focusNode ex:Bob ;
		sh:resultPath ex:ssn ;
		sh:sourceConstraintComponent sh:MaxCountConstraintComponent ;
		sh:sourceShape ex:PersonShape ;
	] ,
	[	a sh:ValidationResult ;
		sh:resultSeverity sh:Violation ;
		sh:focusNode ex:Calvin ;
		sh:resultPath ex:school ;
		sh:value ex:TrinityAnglicanSchool ;
		sh:sourceConstraintComponent sh:ClosedConstraintComponent ;
		sh:sourceShape ex:PersonShape ;
	] .

The validation results are enclosed in a validation report. The first validation result is produced because ex:Alice has a value for ex:ssn that does not match the regular expression specified by the property sh:regex. The second validation result is produced because ex:Bob has more than the permitted number of values for the property ex:ssn as specified by the sh:maxCount of 1. The third validation result is produced because the shape ex:PersonShape has the the property sh:closed set to true but ex:Calvin uses the property ex:school which is neither one of the predicates from any of the property constraints of the shape, nor one of the properties listed using sh:ignoredProperties.

Validation Results and Validation Reports

A results graph is an RDF graph G where every node in G that has SHACL type sh:ValidationResult in G meets the following conditions

A validation result from RDF term f, optional RDF term v, data graph D, constraint c with type C, and shape s in shapes graph S is a node in a results graph G that meets the following conditions:

A results structure is a results graph R and a set of nodes from R each of which have SHACL type sh:ValidationResult in R. The set of nodes is called the top-level validation results of the results structure.

A results structure contains a top-level validation result from f,v,D,c,s,S if its graph contains a node that is a validation result from f,v,D,c,s,S and that node is an element of its top-level validation results.

A validation report V for a results structure R is any results graph containing at least the triples of R plus a new blank node n with sh:ValidationReport as a value for rdf:type in V; "false"^^xsd:boolean as sole value for sh:conforms in V if R has any top-level validation results in R, and "true"^^xsd:boolean otherwise; and whose set of values for sh:result in V is the set of top-level validation results in R.

The combination of a multiset of results structures is the union of the graphs of the results structures and the union of their sets of top-level validation results, provided that this is a results structure.

The remainder of this section is informative.

Combination does not use merging so that, for example, validation results and SHACL property paths do not have to be replicated. Care does need to be taken when different results structures share blank nodes so that invalid validation results or SHACL property paths do not result.

Validation reports are only required to contain top-level validation results from results graphs, i.e., the results for validating elements of the complete targets of shapes against the shape. Implementations are encouraged to provide interfaces that also retain other validation results and to use the property sh:detail to link from a validation result for a shape to validation results from subsidiary conformance checking such as is required for constraints of type sh:ShapeConstraintComponent.

SHACL Shapes

Shapes and Shapes Graphs

The shapes of an RDF graph G are those nodes in G with SHACL or expected type sh:Shape in G.

A shapes graph is an RDF graph G containing no ill-formed shapes in G. Ill-formed shapes are described in the rest of this document.


If s is a shape in an RDF graph G with more than one value for sh:severity in G or a a value that is not sh:Info, sh:Warning, or sh:Violation then s is an ill-formed shape in G.

The severity of a SHACL shape in a shapes graph S is its value for sh:severity in S, if any, otherwise sh:Violation.


If s is a shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:message that is that is neither a literal of datatype xsd:string nor a language-tagged literal is an ill-formed shape in G.

The validation messages of a SHACL shape in a shapes graph S are its values for sh:message in S, if any, otherwise they are defined by the SHACL Processor.


If s is a shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:deactivated that is not "true"^^xsd:boolean is an ill-formed shape in G

A shape code>s is a shape in an RDF graph G with "true"^^xsd:boolean as a value for sh:deactivated is a deactivated shape.

A deactivated shape conforms to all RDF terms.

Constraint components and constraints

A constraint component is one of the IRIs so-described in the rest of this document. Each constraint component has one or more **mandatory parameters**, each of which is a property. Each constraint component has zero or more **optional parameters**, each of which is a property. The parameters of a constraint component are its mandatory parameters plus its optional parameters. Some parameters of a constraint component are list-taking parameters. A parameter that forces expected type sh:Shape on objects of triples with with it as predicate or members of such objects is a shape-inducing parameter.

For a constraint component c with mandatory parameters p1, ..., pn a shape s in a shapes graph S has a constraint of type c with mandatory parameter values <p1,v1>, ..., <pn,vn> in S when s has vi as a value for pi in S. If s in S has a constraint of type c in S then the optional parameter values of the constraint in S are all the <oi,vi> where oi is an optional parameter of c and s has vi as a value for oi in S. The parameter values of a constraint are its manadatory parameter values and its optional parameter values.

Recursive Shapes and Recursive Shapes Graphs

A shape s1 in an RDF graph G refers to shape s2 in G if it has s2 as value for some non-list-taking, shape-inducing parameter of some constraint component or s2 as a member of the value for some list-taking, shape-inducing parameter of some constraint component.

A shape in an RDF graph G is a recursive shape in G if it is related to itself by the transitive closure of the refers relationship in G. An RDF graph G that contains a recursive shape in G is recursive.


The complete targets from a data graph D for a shape s in a shapes graph S is the union of the targets from D for s in S as defined in the reminder f this section.

Node targets (sh:targetNode)

If s is a shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:targetNode in G that is not an IRI or literal then s is an ill-formed shape in G.

If s is a shape in a shapes graph S and s has value t for sh:targetNode in S then { t } is a target from any data graph for s in S.

The remainder of this section is informative.

With the example data below, only ex:Alice is the target of the provided shape:

	a sh:Shape ;
	sh:targetNode ex:Alice .
ex:Alice a ex:Person .
ex:Bob a ex:Person .

Class-based Targets (sh:targetClass)

If s is a shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:targetClass in G that is not an IRI then s is an ill-formed shape in G. If s is a shape in a shapes graph S and s has value c for sh:targetClass in S then the set of SHACL instances of c in a data graph D is a **target** from D for s in S.

The remainder of this section is informative.

	a sh:Shape ;
	sh:targetClass ex:Person .
ex:Alice a ex:Person .
ex:Bob a ex:Person .
ex:NewYork a ex:Place .

In this example, only ex:Alice and ex:Bob are target nodes. Note that, according to the SHACL instance definition, all the rdfs:subClassOf declarations needed to walk the class hierarchy need to exist in the data graph. However, the ex:Person a rdfs:Class triple is not required to exist in either graphs.

In the following example, the only target node is ex:Who.

ex:Doctor rdfs:subClassOf ex:Person .
ex:Who a ex:Doctor .
ex:House a ex:Nephrologist .

Implicit Class Targets

If s is a shape in an RDF graph G and s is also a SHACL instance of rdfs:Class in G and s is not an IRI then s is an ill-formed shape in G.

If s is a shape in a shapes graph S and s is also a SHACL instance of rdfs:Class in S then the set of SHACL instances of s in a data graph D is a **target** from D for s in S.

The remainder of this section is informative.

	a rdfs:Class, sh:Shape .
ex:Alice a ex:Person .
ex:NewYork a ex:Place .

In this example, only ex:Alice is a target node, because it is a SHACL instance of ex:Person which is both a class and a shape in the shapes graph.

Subjects-of targets (sh:targetSubjectsOf)

A shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:targetSubjectsOf in G that is not an IRI is an **ill-formed** shape in G.

If s is a shape in a shapes graph S and s has value p for sh:targetSubjectsOf in S then the set of nodes in a data graph D that are subjects of RDF triples in D with predicate p is a **target** from D for s in S.

The remainder of this section is informative.

	a sh:Shape ;
	sh:targetSubjectsOf ex:knows .
ex:Alice ex:knows ex:Bob .
ex:Bob ex:livesIn ex:NewYork .

In the example above, only ex:Alice is validated against the given shape, because it is the subject of a triple that has ex:knows as its predicate.

Objects-of targets (sh:targetObjectsOf)

A shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:targetObjectsOf in G that is not an IRI is an ill-formed shape in G.

If s is a shape in a shapes graph S and s has value p for sh:targetObjectsOf in S then the set of nodes in a data graph D that are objects of RDF triples in D with predicate p is a **target** from D for s in S.

The remainder of this section is informative.

	a sh:Shape ;
	sh:targetObjectsOf ex:knows .
ex:Alice ex:knows ex:Bob .
ex:Bob ex:livesIn ex:NewYork .

In the example above, only ex:Bob is validated against the given shape, because it is the object of a triple that has ex:knows as its predicate.

Value Nodes

A shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:path in G that is an ill-formed property path in G is an ill-formed shape in G. A shape in an RDF graph G with more than one value for sh:path in G is an ill-formed shape in G.

Given f an RDF term, D a data graph, and s a shape in S a shapes graph the value nodes of f with D for s in S is the set containing the values of f for path(p,S) in D if s has p as value for sh:path in S, or just f if s has no value for sh:path in S.

Shape Annotations

This section covers shape annotation properties that are ignored by SHACL processors. The use of these properties is entirely optional and not subject to formal interpretation contracts. They MAY be used for purposes such as form building or predictable printing of RDF files.

Shapes may have one or more values for sh:name to provide human-readable labels for the Shape. Similarly, shapes may have one or more values for sh:description to provide a description of the shape. Both sh:name and sh:description may have multiple values, but should only have one value per language tag.

Shapes may have one value for the property sh:order to indicate the relative order of the shape for purposes such as form building. The values of sh:order are decimals. If present, the recommended use of sh:order is to sort shapes in an ascending order, for example so that properties with smaller order are placed above (or to the left) of properties with larger order.

rename to shapeGroup? Shapes may link to an SHACL instance of the class sh:PropertyGroup using the property sh:group to indicate that the shape belongs to a group of related shapes. Each group may have additional triples that serve application purposes, such as an rdfs:label for form building. Groups may also have an sh:order property to indicate the relative ordering of groups within the same form.

Shapes may have a single value for sh:defaultValue. The default value does not have fixed semantics in SHACL, but MAY be used by user interface tools to pre-populate input widgets. The value type of the sh:defaultValue should align with the specified sh:datatype or sh:class of the same constraint.

The remainder of this section is informative.

The following example illustrates the use of these various features together.

	a sh:Shape ;
	sh:shape [
		sh:path ex:firstName ;
		sh:name "first name" ;
		sh:description "The person's given name(s)" ;
		sh:order 0 ;
		sh:group ex:NameGroup ;
	] ;
	sh:shape [
		sh:path ex:lastName ;
		sh:name "last name" ;
		sh:description "The person's last name" ;
		sh:order 1 ;
		sh:group ex:NameGroup ;
	] ;
	sh:shape [
		sh:path ex:streetAddress ;
		sh:name "street address" ;
		sh:description "The street address including number" ;
		sh:order 11 ;
		sh:group ex:AddressGroup ;
	] ;
	sh:shape [
		sh:path ex:locality ;
		sh:name "locality" ;
		sh:description "The suburb, city or town of the address" ;
		sh:order 12 ;
		sh:group ex:AddressGroup ;
	] ;
	sh:shape [
		sh:path ex:postalCode ;
		sh:name "postal code" ;
		sh:name "zip code"@en-US ;
		sh:description "The postal code of the locality" ;
		sh:order 13 ;
		sh:group ex:AddressGroup ;
	] .

	a sh:PropertyGroup ;
	sh:order 0 ;
	rdfs:label "Name" .

	a sh:PropertyGroup ;
	sh:order 1 ;
	rdfs:label "Address" .

A form building application MAY use the information above to display information as follows:

first name: John
last name: Doe
street address: 123 Silverado Ave
locality: Cupertino
zip code: 54321

Validation and Conformance Checking

Validation is the main relationship defined in SHACL, usually producing a validation report containing the results of the validation. There are generally many different possible validation reports for a particular validation. Conformance checking is a simplified version of validation, usually producing a boolean result.

Validation and conformance checking can result in a failure. For example, a particular SHACL processor might allow recursive shapes but report a failure if it detects a loop. Failure can also be reported due to resource exhaustion. Failures are signalled through implementation-specific channels.

Conformance of a Data Graph against a Shapes Graph

Given G a data graph and S a shapes graph, a results graph for the validation of G against S is a combination of some multiset {{ R1, ..., Rn}} where { s1, ..., sn } is the set of shapes in S and Ri is a results graph for the validation of G against si in S. A validation report for the validation of G against S is a validation report for some results graph for the validation of G against S. A data graph D conforms to a shapes graph S if and only there is a results graph for the validation of D against S that contains no top-level validation results.

Conformance of a Data Graph against a Shape in a Shapes Graph

Given G a data graph and s a shape in S a shapes graph, a **results graph** for the validation of G against s in S is a combination of some multiset {{ R1, ..., Rn }} where { t1, ..., tn } is the complete targets from G for s in S and Ri is a results graph for the validation of ti using G against s in S. A data graph D **conforms** to a shape s in a shapes graph S if and only there is a results graph for the validation of D against s in S that contains no top-level validation results.

Conformance of an RDF term in a Data Graph against a Shape in a Shapes Graph

Given f an RDF term, D a data graph, and s a shape in a shapes graph S a **results graph** for the validation of f using G against s in S is a combination of some multiset {{ R1, ..., Rn }} where { c1, ..., cn } is the constraints of s in S, Ri is an element of results(f,V,D,ci,s,S), and V is the value nodes of f with D for s in S. An RDF term and a data graph D **conforms** to a shape s in a shapes graph S if and only if there is a results graph for the validation of the RDF term using D against s in S that contains no top-level validation results.

Note that although there can be multiple possible results graphs for a particular validation, if any results graph for the validation has no top-level validation results they will all have no top-level validation results.

Constraint Components and Validation

This section defines the SHACL constraint components along with their parameters and how they participate in validation. The choice of constraint components that were included into the SHACL was made based on the requirements collected by the [[shacl-ucr]] document.

Given an RDF term f, a set of RDF terms V, a data graph D, a constraint c, and a shape s in a shapes graph S the possible **results of validating** f and v with D against c in S, results(f,V,D,c,s,S), is a set of results structures as defined in this section.


sh:ClassConstraintComponent is a constraint component with mandatory parameter sh:class.

A shape in an RDF graph with a value for sh:class in G that is not an IRI is an ill-formed shape in G.

Each results structure in results(f,V,D,c,s,S) where c has type sh:ClassConstraintComponent and parameter values <sh:class,c> contains a different top-level validation result from f,v,D,c,s,S for each v in V that is not a SHACL instance of c in D and no other top-level validation results.

The remainder of this section is informative.

	a sh:Shape ;
	sh:targetNode ex:Bob, ex:Alice, ex:Carol ;
	sh:shape [
		sh:path ex:knows ;
		sh:class ex:Person ;
	] .
ex:Alice a ex:Person .
ex:Bob ex:knows ex:Alice .
ex:Carol ex:knows ex:Bob .


sh:DatatypeConstraintComponent is a constraint component with mandatory parameter sh:datatype. A shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:datatype in G that is not an IRI is an ill-formed shape in G.

Each results structure in results(f,V,D,c,s,S) where c is a constraint that has kind sh:DatatypeConstraintComponent and that has mandatory parame- ter values <sh:datatype, x> contains a different top-level validation result from f,v,D,c,s,S for each v in V that is not a literal with datatype x, and no other top-level validation results.

The remainder of this section is informative.

	a sh:Shape ;
	sh:targetNode ex:Alice, ex:Bob, ex:Carol ;
	sh:shape [
		sh:path ex:age ;
		sh:datatype xsd:integer ;
	] .
ex:Alice ex:age "23"^^xsd:integer .
ex:Bob ex:age "twenty two" .
ex:Carol ex:age "23"^^xsd:int .


sh:NodeKindConstraintComponent is a constraint component with manda- tory parameter sh:nodeKind. A shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:nodeKind in G that is not one of sh:BlankNode, sh:IRI, or sh:Literal is an ill-formed shape in G.

Each results structure in results(f,V,D,c,s,S) where c is a constraint that has kind sh:NodeKindConstraintComponent and that has mandatory parame- ter values <sh:nodeKind, x> contains a different top-level validation result from f,v,D,c,s,S for each v in V that is not a blank node if x is sh:BlankNode, not an IRI if x is sh:IRI, or not a literal if x is sh:Literal, and no other top-level validation results.

The remainder of this section is informative.

	a sh:Shape ;
	sh:targetNode ex:Bob, ex:Alice ;
	sh:shape [
		sh:path ex:knows ;
		sh:nodeKind ex:IRI ;
	] .
ex:Bob ex:knows ex:Alice .
ex:Alice ex:knows "Bob" .


sh:MinCountConstraintComponent is a constraint component with mandatory parameter sh:minCount

A shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:minCount in G that is not a literal with datatype xsd:integer is an ill-formed shape in G.

Each results structure in results(f,V,D,c,s,S) where c has type sh:MinCountConstraintComponent and parameter values <sh:minCount,i> contains a single top-level validation result from f,D,c,s,S and no other top-level validation results if the cardinality of V is less than the *literal value* of i, and no top-level validation results otherwise.

The remainder of this section is informative.

	a sh:Shape ;
	sh:targetNode ex:Alice, ex:Bob ;
	sh:shape [
		sh:path ex:name ;
		sh:minCount 1 ;
	] .
ex:Alice ex:name "Alice" .
ex:Bob ex:givenName "Bob"@en .


sh:MaxCountConstraintComponent is a constraint component with manda- tory parameter sh:maxCount. A shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:maxCount in G that is not a literal with datatype xsd:integer is an ill- formed shape in G.

Each results structure in results(f,V,D,c,s,S) where c is a constraint that has kind sh:MaxCountConstraintComponent and that has mandatory param- eter values <sh:maxCount, i> contains a single top-level validation result from f,D,c,s,S and no other top-level validation results if the cardinality of v is greater than the literal value of i, and no top-level validation results otherwise.

The remainder of this section is informative.

	a sh:Shape ;
	sh:targetNode ex:Bob ;
	sh:shape [
		sh:path ex:birthDate ;
		sh:maxCount 1 ;
	] .
ex:Bob ex:birthDate "May 5th 1990" .


sh:MinExclusiveConstraintComponent is a constraint component with mandatory parameter sh:minExclusive

A shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:minExclusive in G that is not suitable for use in the SPARQL operator < is an ill-formed shape in G.

Each results structure in results(f,V,D,c,s,S) where c has type sh:MinExclusiveConstraintComponent and parameter values <sh:minExclusive,i> contains a different top-level validation result from f,v,D,c,s,S for each v in V for which m < v returns false or produces an error in SPARQL and no other top-level validation results.


sh:MinInclusiveConstraintComponent is a constraint component with mandatory parameter sh:minInclusive. A shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:minInclusive in G that is not suitable for use in the SPARQL operator <= is an ill-formed shape in G.

Each results structure in results(f,V,D,c,s,S) where c is a constraint that has kind sh:MinInclusiveConstraintComponent and that has mandatory parameter values <sh:minInclusive, i> contains different top-level validation result from f,v,D,c,s,S for each v in V for which i <= v returns false or produces an error in SPARQL, and no other top-level validation results.


sh:MaxExclusiveConstraintComponent is a constraint component with mandatory parameter sh:maxExclusive. A shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:maxExclusive in G that is not suitable for use in the SPARQL operator > is an ill-formed shape in G.

Each results structure in results(f,V,D,c,s,S) where c is a constraint that has kind sh:MaxExclusiveConstraintComponent and that has mandatory pa- rameter values <sh:maxExclusive, i> contains a different top-level validation result from f,v,D,c,s,S for each v in V for which i > v returns false or produces an error in SPARQL, and no other top-level validation results.


sh:MaxInclusiveConstraintComponent is a constraint component with mandatory parameter sh:maxInclusive. A shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:maxInclusive in G that is not suitable for use in the SPARQL operator >= is an ill-formed shape in G.

Each results structure in results(f,V,D,c,s,S) where c is a constraint that has kind sh:MaxInclusiveConstraintComponent and that has mandatory pa- rameter values <sh:maxInclusive, i> contains a different top-level validation result from f,v,D,c,s,S for each v in V for which i >= v returns false or produces an error in SPARQL, and no other top-level validation results.


sh:MinLengthConstraintComponent is a constraint component with man- datory parameter sh:minLength. A shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:minLength in G that is not a literal with datatype xsd:integer is an ill-formed shape in G.

Each results structure in results(f,V,D,c,s,S) where c is a constraint that has kind sh:MinLengthConstraintComponent and that has mandatory parameter values <sh:minLength, i> contains a different top-level validation result from f,v,D,c,s,S for each v in V that is a blank node or where the length of its string representation (as defined by the SPARQL str function) is less than the literal value of i, and no other top-level validation results.


sh:MaxLengthConstraintComponent is a constraint component with mandatory parameter sh:maxLength. A shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:maxLength in G that is not a literal with datatype xsd:integer is an ill-formed shape in G.

Each results structure in results(f,V,D,c,s,S) where c is a constraint that has kind sh:MaxLengthConstraintComponent and that has mandatory parameter values <sh:maxLength, i> contains a different top-level validation result from f,v,D,c,s,S for each v in V that is a blank node or where the length of its string representation (as defined by the SPARQL str function) is greater than the literal value of i, and no other top-level validation results.

The remainder of this section is informative.

	a sh:Shape ;
	sh:targetNode ex:Bob, ex:Alice ;
	sh:shape [
		sh:path ex:password ;
		sh:minLength 8 ;
		sh:maxLength 10 ;
	] .
ex:Bob ex:password "123456789" .
ex:Alice ex:password "1234567890ABC" .


sh:LanguageInConstraintComponent is a constraint component with mandatory list-taking parameter sh:languageIn. A shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:languageIn that is not a literal with datatype xsd:string is an ill-formed shape in G.

Each results structure in results(f,V,D,c,s,S) where c is a constraint that has kind sh:LanguageInConstraintComponent and that has mandatory parameter values <sh:languageIn, l> contains a different top-level validation result from f,v,D,c,s,S for each v in V that is not a language-tagged string whose language tag matches the literal value of one of elements of l as defined by the SPARQL langMatches function, and no other top-level validation results.

The remainder of this section is informative.

The following example shape states that all values of ex:prefLabel can be either in English or Māori.

	a sh:Shape ;
	sh:targetNode ex:Mountain, ex:Berg ;
	sh:shape [
		sh:path ex:prefLabel ;
		sh:languageIn ( "en" "mi" ) ;
	] .

From the example instances, ex:Berg will lead to constraint violations for all of its labels.

	ex:prefLabel "Mountain"@en ;
	ex:prefLabel "Hill"@en-NZ ;
	ex:prefLabel "Maunga"@mi .

	ex:prefLabel "Berg" ;
	ex:prefLabel "Berg"@de ;
	ex:prefLabel ex:BergLabel .


sh:PatternConstraintComponent is a constraint component with mandatory parameter sh:pattern and optional parameter sh:flags

A shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:pattern or sh:flags in G that is not a literal with datatype xsd:string is an ill-formed shape in G. A shape in an RDF graph G with more than one value for sh:pattern or sh:flags in G is an ill-formed shape in G.

Each results structure in results(f,V,D,c,s,S) where c has type sh:PatternConstraintComponent and mandatory parameter values <sh:pattern,r> contains a different top-level validation result from f,v,D,c,s,S for each v in V that is either a blank node or where the string representation (as defined by the SPARQL str function) does not match the given regular expression (as defined by the SPARQL REGEX function) and no other top-level validation results. If the constraint has optional parameter values <sh:flags,flags> then flags is used as the third argument of the SPARQL REGEX function, otherwise the third argument is the empty string.

The remainder of this section is informative.

	a sh:Shape ;
	sh:targetNode ex:Bob, ex:Alice, ex:Carol ;
	sh:shape [
		sh:path ex:bCode ;
		sh:pattern "^B" ;    # starts with 'B'
		sh:flags "i" ;       # Ignore case
	] .
ex:Bob ex:bCode "b101" .
ex:Alice ex:bCode "B102" .
ex:Carol ex:bCode "C103" .


sh:UniqueLangConstraintComponent is a constraint component with mandatory parameter sh:uniqueLang

A shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:uniqueLang in G that is not "true"^^xsd:boolean is an ill-formed shape in G.

Each results structure in results(f,V,D,c,s,S) where c has type sh:UniqueLangConstraintComponent and parameter values <sh:uniqueLang,t> contains a different top-level validation result from f,v,D,c,s,S for each v in V that is is a language-tagged literal with the same language tag as some other element of V and no other top-level validation results.

The remainder of this section is informative.

	a sh:Shape ;
	sh:targetNode ex:Alice, ex:Bob ;
	sh:shape [
		sh:path ex:label ;
		sh:uniqueLang true ;
	] .
	ex:label "Alice" ;
	ex:label "Alice"@en ;
	ex:label "Alice"@fr .

	ex:label "Bob"@en ;
	ex:label "Bobby"@en .


sh:EqualsConstraintComponent is a constraint component with mandatory parameter sh:equals A shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:equals in G that is not an IRI is an ill-formed shape in G.

Each results structure in results(f,V,D,c,s,S) where c has type sh:EqualsConstraintComponent and parameter values <sh:equals,p> contains a different top-level validation result from f,v,D,c,s,S for each v in V that is not a value of f for p in D and for each value of f for p in D that is not in V and no other top-level validation results.

The remainder of this section is informative.

	a sh:Shape ;
	sh:targetNode ex:Bob ;
	sh:shape [
		sh:path ex:firstName ;
		sh:equals ex:givenName ;
	] .
	ex:firstName "Bob" ;
	ex:givenName "Bob" .


sh:DisjointConstraintComponent is a constraint component with mandatory parameter sh:disjoint

A shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:disjoint in G that is not an IRI is an ill-formed shape in G.

Each results structure in results(f,V,D,c,s,S) where c has type sh:DisjointConstraintComponent and parameter values <sh:disjoint,p> contains a different top-level validation result from f,v,D,c,s,S for each v in V that is also a value of f for p in D and no other top-level validation results.

The remainder of this section is informative.

The following example illustrates the use of sh:disjoint in a shape to specify that certain nodes cannot share any values for ex:prefLabel and ex:altLabel.

	a sh:Shape ;
	sh:targetNode ex:USA, ex:Germany ;
	sh:shape [
		sh:path ex:prefLabel ;
		sh:disjoint ex:altLabel ;
	] .
	ex:prefLabel "USA" ;
	ex:altLabel "United States" .

	ex:prefLabel "Germany" ;
	ex:altLabel "Germany" .


sh:LessThanConstraintComponent is a constraint component with mandatory parameter sh:lessThan. A shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:lessThan in G that is not an IRI is an ill-formed shape in G.

Each results structure in results(f,V,D,c,s,S) where c is a constraint that has kind sh:LessThanConstraintComponent and that has mandatory parameter values <sh:lessThan, p> contains a different top-level validation result from f,v,D,c,s,S for each v in V that does not compare as less than each value of f for p in G using SPARQL operator <, and no other top-level validation results.

Note: A comparison that produces an error counts as not comparing as less than.

The remainder of this section is informative.

The following example illustrates the use of sh:lessThan in a shape to specify that all values of ex:startDate are "before" the values of ex:endDate.

	a sh:Shape ;
	sh:shape [
		sh:path ex:startDate ;
		sh:lessThan ex:endDate ;
	] .


sh:LessThanOrEqualsConstraintComponent is a constraint component with mandatory parameter sh:lessThanOrEquals. A shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:lessThanOrEquals in G that is not an IRI is an ill-formed shape in G.

Each results structure in results(f,V,D,c,s,S) where c is a constraint that has kind sh:LessThanOrEqualsConstraintComponent and that has mandatory parameter values <sh:lessThanOrEquals, p> contains a different top-level val- idation result from f,v,D,c,s,S for each v in V that does not compare as less than or equal each value of f for p in G using SPARQL operator <=, and no other top-level validation results.

Note: A comparison that produces an error counts as not comparing as less than or equals.


sh:ShapeConstraintComponent is a constraint component with mandatory parameter sh:shape

A shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:shape in G that is not an IRI or blank node is an ill-formed shape in G. If s is the object of an RDF triple in an RDF graph G with predicate sh:shape then s has **expected type** sh:shape in G.

Each results structure in results(f,V,D,c,s,S) where s is not recursive and c has type sh:ShapeConstraintComponent and parameter values <sh:shape,x> contains a different top-level validation result from f,v,D,c,s,S for each v in V where v and D do not conform to x in S and no other top-level validation results.

The remainder of this section is informative.

In the following example, all values of the property ex:someProperty will validate with no results for the shape specified by a blank node that ensures that the property ex:nestedProperty has at least one value.

	a sh:Shape ;
	sh:shape [
		sh:path ex:someProperty ;
		sh:shape [
			a sh:Shape ;   # Optional
			sh:shape [
				sh:path ex:nestedProperty ;
				sh:minCount 1 ;
	] .
	ex:someProperty [
		ex:nestedProperty 42 ;
	] .


sh:NotConstraintComponent is a constraint component with mandatory parameter sh:not. A shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:not in G that is not an IRI or blank node is an ill-formed shape in G. If s is the object of an RDF triple in an RDF graph G with predicate sh:not then s has expected type sh:shape in G.

Each results structure in results(f,V,D,c,s,S) where s is not recursive and c is a constraint that has kind sh:NotConstraintComponent and that has mandatory parameter values <sh:not, x> contains a different top-level validation result from f,v,D,c,s,S for each v in V where v and D do conform to x in S, and no other top-level validation results.

The remainder of this section is informative.

The following example illustrates the use of sh:not in a shape to specify the condition that certain nodes cannot have any value of ex:property.

	a sh:Shape ;
	sh:targetNode ex:InvalidInstance1 ;
	sh:not [
		a sh:Shape ;
		sh:shape [
			sh:path ex:property ;
			sh:minCount 1 ;
		] ;
	] .
ex:InvalidInstance1 ex:property "Some value" .


sh:AndConstraintComponent is a constraint component with mandatory list-taking parameter sh:and

A shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:and in G that is not a SHACL list in G whose members in G are all IRIs or blank nodes in G is an ill-formed shape in G. If s is a member of a SHACL list in an RDF graph G that is the object of an RDF triple in G with predicate sh:and then s has **expected type** sh:shape in G.

Each results structure in results(f,V,D,c,s,S) where s is not recursive and c has type sh:AndConstraintComponent and parameter values <sh:and,l> contains a different top-level validation result from f,v,D,c,s,S for each v in V where v and D do not conform to each element of l in S and no other top-level validation results.

The remainder of this section is informative.

The following example illustrates the use of sh:and in a shape to specify the condition that certain nodes have exactly one value of ex:property. This is achieved via the conjunction of a separate named shape (ex:SuperShape) which specifies the minimum count, and a blank node shape that additionally specifies the maximum count. As shown here, sh:and can be used to implement a specialization mechanism between shapes.

	a sh:Shape ;
	sh:shape [
		sh:path ex:property ;
		sh:minCount 1 ;
	] .

	a sh:Shape ;
	sh:targetNode ex:ValidInstance, ex:InvalidInstance ;
	sh:and (
			a sh:Shape ;
			sh:shape [
				sh:path ex:property ;
				sh:maxCount 1 ;
	) .
	ex:property "One" .

# Invalid: more than one property
	ex:property "One" ;
	ex:property "Two" .


sh:OrConstraintComponent is a constraint component with mandatory list-taking parameter sh:or. A shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:or in G that is not an ASHACL list in G whose members in G are all IRIs or blank nodes in G is an ill-formed shape in G. If s is a member of an ASHACL list in an RDF graph G that is the object of an RDF triple in G with predicate sh:or then s has expected type sh:shape in G.

Each results structure in results(f,V,D,c,s,S) where s is not recursive and c is a constraint that has kind sh:OrConstraintComponent and that has mandatory parameter values <sh:or, l> contains a different top-level validation result from f,v,D,c,s,S for each v in V where v and D do not conform to any element of l in S, and no other top-level validation results.

The remainder of this section is informative.

The following example illustrates the use of sh:or in a shape to specify the condition that certain nodes have at least one value of ex:firstName or at least one value of ex:givenName.

	a sh:Shape ;
	sh:targetNode ex:Bob ;
	sh:or (
			sh:property [
				sh:predicate ex:firstName ;
				sh:minCount 1 ;
			sh:property [
				sh:predicate ex:givenName ;
				sh:minCount 1 ;
	) .
ex:Bob ex:firstName "Robert" .

The next example shows how sh:or can be used in a shape to state that the values of the given property ex:address may be either literals with datatype xsd:string or SHACL instances of the class ex:Address.

	a sh:Shape ;
	sh:targetClass ex:Person ;
	sh:property [
		sh:predicate ex:address ;
		sh:or (
				sh:datatype xsd:string ;
				sh:class ex:Address ;
	] .
ex:Bob ex:address "123 Prinzengasse, Vaduz, Liechtenstein" .


sh:QualifiedValueShapeConstraintComponent is a constraint component with mandatory parameter sh:qualifiedValueShape and optional parameters sh:qualifiedMinCount and sh:qualifiedMaxCount

A shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:qualifiedValueShape in G that is not an IRI or blank node is an ill-formed shape in G. A shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:qualifiedMinCount or sh:qualifiedMaxCount in G that is not a literal with dataype xsd:integer is an ill-formed shape in G. A shape in an RDF graph G with more than one value for sh:qualifiedValueShape, sh:qualifiedMinCount, or sh:qualifiedMaxCount in G is an ill-formed shape in G. A shape in an RDF graph G that has a value for sh:qualifiedValueShape in G but no value for sh:qualifiedMinCount in G and no value for sh:qualifiedMaxCount in G is an ill-formed shape in G. If s is the object of an RDF triple in an RDF graph G with predicate sh:qualifiedValueShape then s has **expected type** sh:shape in G.

Each results structure in results(f,V,D,c,s,S) where s is not recursive and c has type sh:QualifiedValueShapeConstraintComponent and mandatory parameter values <sh:qualifiedValueShape,x> contains a single top-level validation result from f,D,c,s,S and no other top-level validation results if the number of elements v of V where where v and D conform to x in S is less than the value of min if <sh:qualifiedMinCount,min> is in the optional parameters of the constraint or is greater than the value of max if <sh:qualifiedMaxCount,max> is in the optional parameters of the constraint, and no top-level validation results otherwise.

The remainder of this section is informative.

In the following example shape can be used to specify the condition that the property ex:parent has exactly two values, and at least one of them is female.

	a sh:Shape ;
	sh:targetNode ex:QualifiedValueShapeExampleValidResource ;
	sh:shape [
		sh:path ex:parent ;
		sh:minCount 2 ;
		sh:maxCount 2 ;
		sh:qualifiedValueShape [
			a sh:Shape ;   # Optional
			sh:shape [
				sh:path ex:gender ;
				sh:hasValue ex:female ;
		] ;
		sh:qualifiedMinCount 1 ;
	] .
	ex:parent ex:John ;
	ex:parent ex:Jane .

	ex:gender ex:male .

	ex:gender ex:female .


sh:ClosedConstraintComponent is a constraint component with mandatory parameter sh:closed and optional list-taking parameter sh:ignoredProperties

A shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:closed in G that is not "true"^^xsd:boolean is an ill-formed shape in G. A shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:ignoredProperties in G that is not a SHACL list in G whose members in G are all IRIs is an **ill-formed shape** in G. A shape in an RDF graph G with more than one value for sh:closed or sh:ignoredProperties in G is an ill-formed shape in G.

Each results structure in results(f,V,D,c,s,S) where c has type sh:ClosedConstraintComponent and mandatory parameter values <sh:closed,t> contains a different top-level validation result from f,v,D,c,s,S for each RDF triple in D with subject f whose predicate is not a value of some value of s for sh:shape in D for sh:path in D and not a member of i in D if the constraint has optional parameter values <sh:ignoredProperties,i> and no other top-level validation results.

The remainder of this section is informative.

The following example illustrates the use of sh:closed in a shape to specify the condition that certain nodes only have values for ex:exampleProperty1 and ex:exampleProperty2. The "ignored" property rdf:type would also be allowed.

	a sh:Shape ;
	sh:targetNode ex:Alice, ex:Bob ;
	sh:closed true ;
	sh:ignoredProperties (rdf:type) ;
	sh:shape [
		sh:path ex:firstName ;
	] ;
	sh:shape [
		sh:path ex:lastName ;
	] .
	ex:firstName "Alice" .

	ex:firstName "Bob" ;
	ex:middleInitial "J" .


sh:HasValueConstraintComponent is a constraint component with mandatory parameter sh:hasValue.

Each results structure in results(f,V,D,c,s,S) where c has type sh:HasValueConstraintComponent and mandatory parameter values <sh:hasValue,x> contains a single top-level validation result from f,D,c,s,S and no other top-level validation results if x is not in V, and no top-level validation results otherwise.

The remainder of this section is informative.

	a sh:Shape ;
	sh:targetNode ex:Alice ;
	sh:shape [
		sh:path ex:alumniOf ;
		sh:hasValue ex:Stanford ;
	] .
	ex:alumniOf ex:Harvard ;
	ex:alumniOf ex:Stanford .


sh:InConstraintComponent is a constraint component with mandatory list-taking parameter sh:in.

A shape in an RDF graph G with a value for sh:in in G that is not a SHACL list in G whose members in G are all IRIs or blank nodes in G is an ill-formed shape in G.

Each results structure in results(f,V,D,c,s,S) where c has type sh:InConstraintComponent and parameter values <sh:in,x> contains a different top-level validation result from f,v,D,c,s,S for each v in V where v is not a member of x in S and no other top-level validation results.

The remainder of this section is informative.

	a sh:Shape ;
	sh:targetNode ex:RainbowPony ;
	sh:shape [
		sh:path ex:color ;
		sh:in ( ex:Pink ex:Purple ) ;
	] .
ex:RainbowPony ex:color ex:Pink .

SHACL Processors

A SHACL processor MUST provide an interface that takes two RDF graphs - a data graph and a potential shapes graph.

Processors MAY signal an error if the potential shapes graph is recursive. Otherwise, unless the processor encounters a failure, it MUST create some representation of an RDF graph that is a validation report for the validation of the data graph against the potential shapes graph and return the representation or a location from which the representation can be retrieved. The representation can be a document in a syntax for RDF graphs, such as Turtle, or an RDF graph stored in a graph repository.

A SHACL processor SHOULD provide an interface similar to above except that any return value is a boolean indicating whether the data graph conforms to the potential shapes graph.

A SHACL processor MAY provide interfaces where the shapes graph is constructed by accessing locations that are values of RDF triples with predicate sh:shapesGraph in the data graph. A SHACL processor MAY provide interfaces that construct the potential shapes graph by taking a partial shapes graph and merging in other graphs accessible at locations that are values of RDF triples with predicate owl:imports in the potential shapes graph being consructed.

If a SHACL processor accesses persistent representations of RDF graphs to validate a data graph against a potential shapes graph it MUST not change any of these representations. A SHACL processor MAY store any representation of a validation report that it constructs so long as the processor does not not violate the previous requirement.


By default, SHACL does not assume any entailment regime [[!sparql11-entailment]] to be activated on the data graph. However, the property sh:entailment can be used in the shapes graph to instruct a SHACL processor to ensure that a given entailment is activated on the data graph. The values of sh:entailment are IRIs, with common use cases covered by [[!sparql11-entailment]].

SHACL processors are not required to support any entailment regimes. If an entailment regime is provided in the shapes graph which is not supported by the SHACL processor, the validation MUST produce a failure.


Many people contributed to this specification, including members of the RDF Data Shapes Working Group. We especially thank the following:

Arnaud Le Hors (chair), Jim Amsden, Iovka Boneva, Karen Coyle, Richard Cyganiak, Michel Dumontier, Holger Knublauch, Dimitris Kontokostas, Jose Labra, Peter Patel-Schneider (who contributed parts of this specification even outside the WG), Eric Prud'hommeaux, Arthur Ryman (who also served as a co-editor until Feb 2016), Harold Solbrig, Simon Steyskal, Ted Thibodeau